2010년 10월 21일 목요일

"Yeppi is my Destiny" : Samsung PL51


Today I am going to introduce Yeppi who stick all the time with me!
I remembered when I met him.
‘Please pay attention to me~!” felt like he’s saying like that.
After our first day, Nowdays Yeppis is with me in everywhere I go! I like to bring him around.
In fact, I have a crucial reason to bring him around. It’s because his heart was broke once when his previous owner abandon him. From that incident, he has been suffering in Separation anxiety disorder.
Samsung PL51(SL203) l 1/60s l f/8.9 l ISO 100 l 6.2mm
Samsung PL51(SL203) l 1/60s l f/8.9 l ISO 100 l 6.2mm
Samsung PL51(SL203) l 1/60s l f/8.9 l ISO 100 l 6.2mm
Samsung PL51(SL203) l 1/60s l f/8.9 l ISO 100 l 6.2mm
Samsung PL51(SL203) l 1/60s l f/8.9 l ISO 100 l 6.2mm
To help friends like our Yeppi, we went out to street for a campaign.
Yeppi is happy to go out, Especially with his private bag.
Samsung PL51(SL203) l 1/60s l f/8.9 l ISO 100 l 6.2mm
Samsung PL51(SL203) l 1/60s l f/8.9 l ISO 100 l 6.2mm
This is a café that we both love it! He loves it a lot, too!
Samsung PL51(SL203) l 1/60s l f/8.9 l ISO 100 l 6.2mm
Whenever he’s with me, he is so sweet and kind. But when I go out by myself, he becomes a monster and even fight with other friends in house!
Samsung PL51(SL203) l 1/60s l f/8.9 l ISO 100 l 6.2mm
I will always take care of him til his last day. And I sincerely hope other animals like Yeppi would meet such a caring owners.

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